Full Home Inspection Certified:  $295....includes Infrared Camera Photos

(If home is over 3000 sq. ft. then price increases)

WDO (termite) Inspection Certified:  $150  (crawl space included)

4-Point Inspection Certified:  $50-$75, depending if full inspection is performed.

Wind Mitigation Inspection Certified:  $50

Pool and Spa Inspection Certified:  $50-$75

Infrared Camera Inspection Certified:  $50

​Reports always out the SAME day.

CHI,LLC is not a licensed pest control company.​​

Please remember that in the state of Florida, if you are requesting a WDO inspection, then it must be performed by a licensed WDO inspector that is working for a licensed pest control company.  

Fortunately, I am able to schedule your WDO inspection to be performed on the same day as your home inspection so that your reports will be filed and sent to you within 24 hours. I know you will find my services to your satisfaction, and please contact me with any questions you may have in scheduling your inspection.

Thank you for the opportunity,

Brett Cutler, ​CHI, LLC

LIC: # HI 8421

​ASHI: # 256962

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